16:01 * csoriano wants to selflish switch gnome-software to GitLab just to could do this kind of explanations 16:03 csoriano, it's there already, just as a private repo 16:03 unoffical mirror so to spwak 16:03 oh, I didn't know if you actually started using it with jrocha or not 16:03 let me know how it goes so far for you both 16:05 csoriano, it's going 99% well 16:06 the 1% being the reason we can't switch to it 16:06 weird stuff, let me try to debug this a bit 16:06 no "rebase and merge" 16:07 hughsie: right. My stance is quite clear about that one, I are going to have a meeting 16:07 I'm going to have a meeting with GitLab soon about that* 16:10 * mclasen has come around to liking merge commits 16:12 csoriano, sounds promising, thanks 16:12 mclasen, don't you find they clutter everything up? 16:13 once you let go of the idea of a linear history, its ok 16:14 hughsie: well, you can think of it as promising or as bad news :) let's see how it goes 16:15 hughsie: to be fair, I think our stance on clean git history + linear history etc is based on poor tooling we had have for so many years 16:15 I don't think git it's suposed to be looked at in "plain" view 16:15 csoriano, so i'm "holding it wrong"? :) 16:16 what does that mean? 16:16 What is "clean git history"? Something other than "linear history"? 16:17 what I mean is that if you use some visual tooling like what GitLab or so I think non-linear is okaish 16:17 rishi: fixup commits 16:17 I call it that way for when I have meeting with GitLab xd I don't know how to call it differently 16:18 If you're doing your development in a branch — like you should — and you force push after every code review, you get around it 16:18 Alternatively, you can rebase locally and push before merging 16:20 Also because, even if GitLab adds rebase-and-merge, it won't give you autosquash, given that it's an interactive feature 16:20 ebassi: yeah, however there is an issue with comments and force push in GitLab, bsically because people seems to not use that "clean git history" much so it was not taken too much into account 16:20 So `fixup:` commits won't be squashed 16:21 yeah, so my point was for the review phase 16:21 rishi: a clean git history is one thats bisectable, imo 16:21 ie no broken commits in the middle, every step builds 16:22 mclasen: Yeah, bisectable and somewhat sanely understandable. eg., hopefully 20 commits stepping towards a feature won't be squashed into. 16:22 *into one. 16:23 but it is easy to get lost chasing a perfect history - diminishing returns kick in quickly 16:23 rishi: ... or intermingled with 100 unrelated commits from master 16:24 fmuellner: Yeah. I sometimes grep/search through the log with the bug number to avoid that. 16:24 about the rebase-and-merge option missing fro gitlab ce... there are settings for each project where you can say « in this project, MRs can only be merged if it's a fast-forward merge » 16:24 this way you ask submitters to rebase before you merge, and you get the clean history 16:25 and there's also a « in this project, MRs can only be merged if it's a fast-forward merge, but I still want the merge commit at the end » 16:25 bochecha: then a translation commit happens, now what? :) 16:25 So, I guess, linear or not, a "clean history" is still desirable. 16:25 bochecha: you need to rebase again 16:25 csoriano: yes 16:25 csoriano: We need to talk to the gnome-i18n team and figure out a way to move all translations to a separate branch 16:26 As a matter of policy and tooling 16:26 that includes: asking the contributor, pray so no other translation commit happens or that you don't merge a different merge request in the meantime 16:26 rebasing before merge is a good idea anyway, it's the only way to know before merging that the CI tests what will actually be the result of the merge 16:26 but most importantly, asking the contributor to rebase 16:26 csoriano: Or, the maintainer could rebase and merge him/herself? 16:27 Translations landing directly in master is… Problematic, at best 16:27 rishi: and then what? You cannot overtake the branch of the other 16:27 also, what's the point to have UI for that if we cannot use it? 16:28 What do you mean, "then what"? Somebody submitted some patches, they looked ok, maintainer merged them. 16:28 rishi: you need to update the code in GitLab somehow no? 16:28 with your rebased branch 16:28 Also, I don't write code inside a browser, so I am in the terminal anyway. 16:29 Never mind. I am sure I am not thinking straight. :) 16:29 rishi: you are the reviewer here though, most probably at that point reviewing just nitpicks 16:29 rishi: I think you are just missing that you need to update the merge request at GitLab with your rebased branch somehow 16:30 otherwise, you push some code that is nowhere in GitLab 16:30 (rebasing changes commit ID's) 16:30 If I am blocking on the contributor to do real code changes, then I am blocking. 16:30 rishi: no, just discussing the need to rebase before commiting, not actual code changes 16:31 But if it is just a matter of a branch that's a bit stale and can be easily rebased, then I'd just do that and merge it; and not wait for the contributor to do so. That's a waste of time. 16:31 rishi: exactly. Now, usually for that you would just click "rebase and merge" 16:31 csoriano: Yes, if it is a trivial rebase, the maintainer could do it. 16:31 it's a single button 16:31 but, you cannot do that right now because there is no "rebase" before the merge 16:31 so you have to rebase manually on CLI 16:31 you do that 16:31 Single button or single command. I don't care much about the button. 16:32 the point being that, once you rebase locally, you need to update the code in the merge request too 16:32 Unless I write code in the browser, I am already in the terminal, so ... *shrug* 16:32 so the changes are reflected and all the machinery for merging/accepting merge request/CI work 16:32 What's "code in the merge request"? 16:32 rishi: a branch 16:33 the branch is outdated in GitLab, you need to update it somehow 16:33 and that branch is not yours, it's from a different user 16:34 rishi: if you just take the branch and land it, then the link to the corresponding merge request is broken 16:34 anyway, probably very off-topic for this channel. Sorry all 16:35 fmuellner: By link, you mean links in the commit messages? Or "link" in terms of the GitLab / UI? 16:35 rishi: the latter 16:35 mostly the information "the result of this discussion landed in these commits yadda yadda" 16:36 you can manually close the merge request, but it will show up as "closed" rather than "merged" (as if the patches were rejected) 16:36 Sucks, I guess. :) I am not familiar enough with GitLab to know if that can be worked around. 16:36 which implies quite a few of the integration stuff, like when looking at branches see that it was merged, having the merge requests marked as merged, etc 16:37 Basically, I don't like this tendency of waiting for the contributor to do something trivial. 16:37 Foo Bar didn't fix some white spaces, so users are experiencing crashy software. 16:37 rishi: yeah, that's I guess up to the ones pushing for GitLab to discuss it. At the end of the day, as you said, you should just either click a button or a single command in CLI 16:37 Or Foo Bar didn't change some variable names, so nobody gets to use Nice New Feature. 16:37 yeah 16:38 I mean sure, if we want to train a new contributor - that's fine. 16:38 It is part of the onboarding - picking up good habits, etc.. 16:38 But there are lots of cases where the contributor isn't exactly new, and patches rot around because ... "process" (!). 16:39 exactly 16:39 fwiw, this is really an issue with external branches - as long as it's some wip/ branch in the regular repo, any gnome dev can (force-)push to it 16:39 including the maintainer to clean stuff up before merging 16:41 csoriano: fmuellner: I guess I can't associate a different branch to a issue? 16:42 rishi: yeah you can. It's the concept of merge-request that has these issues 16:42 but merge request are the main concept, it's where discussions about the code happen 16:44 I guess I need to play with it a bit more before saying anything further. 16:45 rishi: if you contributed on GitHub, it's mostly like that 16:47 csoriano: even more ot - do we want some pattern to link commits to merge requests? 16:47 I'm positively shocked about the amount of GNOME devs that seem to be completely unaware of how github works, if I may be blunt 16:48 ebassi: I think we have a pretty good dev-chamber, not many people contributed to non-GNOME or non-phased-out softwares I guess 16:48 including me 16:48 csoriano: "pretty good" is not the qualifier I would use 16:48 I contributed before to Motif than to any github repo, can you believe it? :D 16:48 oh yeah, good is not the word indeed 16:49 fmuellner: it's upstream somewhere, if you find it feel free to add it to #8 16:49 ebassi: Maybe that says something about GitHub? 16:50 Also, I am surprised about the number of GNOME developers who don't know a lot of other things. So what? 16:50 rishi: No, it doesn't 16:50 ebassi: you might call it insular 16:50 Mileages vary, I guess. 16:51 "monoculture" would be an appropriate way to call it; "echo chamber", another :-/ 16:51 I doubt anyone is hacking on gnome because of bugzilla/cgit 16:51 It's worrying 16:51 GitHub: the land of "Commit some code", "This makes Foo work" style project maintnenance. 16:51 rishi: That's a bad generalisation 16:51 As I said, mileages vary. 16:52 I truly think there is a cultural difference, but not related to GitHub itself or so. It's more like fmuellner said, people that work on GNOME stuff and not interested on most software that lives in GitHub 16:52 Your position doesn't seem any less extreme. 16:52 rishi: It means you're not contributing to anything outside of GNOME 16:53 Which means you're not exposed to other communities, and other projects 16:53 It also means you don't expose the GNOME ethos to other communities ;-) 16:54 some good stuff lives on github like systemd or flatpak 16:54 Not all free software communities/projects are garbage dumpsters on fire, even on big platforms like github 16:55 And some of them even have good things to teach to GNOME 16:55 ebassi: but also: many communities/projects on github don't share more than the hosting platform 16:55 that is, they aren't necessarily any less insular than gnome 16:56 fmuellner: Sure, but I expect GNOME developers to be good at outreach :-) 16:56 ebassi: I get that you are in love with GitHub, that's ok. 16:56 ebassi: You are also making assumptions about what I do or do not do, that's also ok. :P 16:56 And here we go 16:57 fmuellner: one aspect where they are crucially less insular is that everybody already has an account 16:57 mclasen: I think most importantly is, they know how-to to contribute 16:57 rishi: One day you'll be able to have a discussion without throwing stuff in people's face 16:57 mclasen: good point 16:58 they contribute to Visual Code in the same way they can contribute to Flatpak 16:58 csoriano: not so sure about that - I mean, yes, the basic mechanics of 'make a pull request' are covered with a web ui 16:58 but understanding the project and the code well enough to create an acceptable pr is not any easier on github 16:59 and github makes it a lot easier to accept prs that fall short of that, which may be what rishi alluded to 16:59 ebassi: I'll try to assume you didn't write that. 16:59 right. But you take the boring barrier. Suposedly understanding the code/writting it is the fun part 17:01 true