16:05 So, who do I have to pay to stop the development and integration of tracker in GNOME? 16:05 I don't want to introduce stop energy, but introducing stop money I think is fair game 16:06 Every time the tracker daemon wakes up—which is pretty often—the whole shell stalls 16:06 And the daemon doesn't need to index anything because nothing has changed in the past 5 minutes 16:06 ebassi: that's an indication for other bugs 16:07 ebassi, why not pay someone to write a replacement? 16:07 Because I don't need a replacement? 16:08 sigh 16:08 * alatiera likes the idea of tracker 16:08 I mean: I need a replacement in the sense that I want my data indexed by each application 16:08 I don't want a replacement daemon that stalls my session 16:09 that's what tracker is made for... 16:09 Stalling my session? 16:09 /s 16:09 :-P